Benefits of Ivy Plus

Expert Professional Advice

Ivy Plus admissions expertise comes from years of experience and training with Harvard Admissions. Get the insider knowledge of what it takes to get accepted to the best possible program for you.

Learn to Package Yourself

The biggest killer of good applications is inconsistency.  Our detailed methodology captures our clients’s unique story and reveals that story consistently throughout the application.

Help Evaluating Strengths

Our detailed methodology helps each applicant find their own strengths academically, personally, and professionally and present them in the way that will give them the best chance at success.

Develop Application Strategy

Ivy Plus spends time with each applicant in developing an application strategy specifically for each target school. The strategy is designed to reveal their story in the most compelling and authentic way.



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    July 18, 2011
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  • About

    Ivy Plus helps students get accepted into their top-choice college or graduate school.  We provide college admissions counseling services for students interested in going to college in the US or Europe, specializing in the elite colleges such as the Ivy League schools in the US.  Our clients have been accepted to:  US – Harvard, MIT, Yale, Princeton, Columbia, Penn, Brown, Cornell, CalTech, Amherst, Chicago, Berkeley, UCLA, Duke, NYU, Northwestern; and UK – Cambridge, Oxford, Imperial,  LSE, UCL, St. Andrews, Edinburgh, McGill, Toronto, UBC, National University of Singapore, University of Hong Kong, and 500+ other great schools in the US, UK, Other Europe, Canada, Oceania, and Asia. We also specialize in graduate school admissions counseling, including MBA, LLM and PhD admissions counseling.


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