Here is a partial list of the schools that Ivy Plus helped clients get accepted to:


Elite Universities US/UK/Europe/Canada/Asia

US: Harvard, Stanford, MIT, CalTech, Yale, Princeton, Columbia, Penn, Brown, Cornell,

Dartmouth, Chicago, Amherst, Berkeley, UCLA, Duke, NYU, Northwestern

UK: Cambridge, Oxford, Imperial, LSE, UCL, St. Andrews, Edinburgh, Kings College

Other Europe:  HEC, Bocconi, European Union Institute

Canada:  McGill, Toronto, UBC

Asia:  National University of Singapore, University of Hong Kong


Other Universities US/UK/Europe/Canada/Asia

Other US (partial list): Wesleyan, Pomona, Notre Dame, Tufts, Texas, Texas A&M, Texas  Tech, Michigan, Michigan State, Boston University, Boston College, UC San Diego, UC Santa Barbara, UC Irvine, UC Davis, UC Santa Cruz, UC Riverside, USC, Babson, Bucknell, College of William & Mary, Dickinson College, George Washington, Northeastern, Rutgers, Rochester, Minnesota, Massachusetts, Rutgers, Colorado, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Chapman, Florida State, Florida Institute of Technology, Seton Hall, Fordham, San Francisco State, Fresno State, Hofstra, West Virginia, St. Johns, Vermont, Georgia, Kansas, Baylor, The New School, U of San Francisco, U of San Diego, U of Denver, Suffolk, Roger Williams, Farleigh Dickinson, Whitman, Skidmore, College of the Atlantic, Franklin & Marshall, Union College, Savannah College of Art & Design, Parsons, SMU, Pepperdine, Loyola Marymount, Purdue, Virginia Tech, Delaware, Virginia, Indiana, Syracuse, Seton Hall, Bowdoin, Brandeis, Penn State, Arizona, Arizona State, South Carolina

Other UK: University of London, CASS, Bath, Bath Spa, Bristol, Surrey, Kent, Warwick, Leeds, East Anglia, Sussex, Winchester, Buckingham, Lancaster, Manchester, Regents, Durham, Loughbrough,

Europe: U Zurich, U Florence, Utrecht University, American University of Rome, American University of Paris, Prague Film School, Copenhagen Business School, University of Stockholm


Business Schools

Harvard, MIT, Chicago, Columbia, Penn Wharton, Berkeley, Northwestern Kellogg, Yale, UCLA, NYU Stern, Duke, Cambridge, Oxford, Bocconi, HEC, LSE, European University Institute, Stockholm University, Copenhagen Business School, Norwegian Business Institute, Michigan, Minnesota, Boston University, Babson, Rochester.


***Ivy Plus is an independent counseling service and is not affiliated with or an agent of any educational institution, including Ivy League member universities.


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