Over the last 2 years Ivy Plus clients have been admitted to the following elite universities (number of clients admitted in parenthesis):

US:  Harvard (3), Stanford (2), MIT (7), CalTech (2), Yale, Columbia (2), Penn (3), Brown, Chicago, Amherst (2), Duke (2), Berkeley, UCLA

UK:  Cambridge (7), Oxford (2), Imperial (3), UCL, LSE, St. Andrews (6), Edinburgh (4), Kings College

Asia: National University of Singapore (2)

Our clients have also been admitted to every elite university in the US, UK, Canada, Europe over the last 7 years in addition to hundreds of other great universities throughout the world. Contact us if you would like to know if we have had any of our clients get admitted to your dream school, or if you want our help in putting together your best applications to your dream schools.


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